Hall of Fame golfer and NBC commentator Johnny Miller will be the guest speaker at the 23rd Annual ING Media Awards Reception January 27 at the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando.JMiller 03-A

The awards program is conducted by the not-for-profit International Network of Golf, a media-based networking organization “Where Media and the Golf Industry Connect.” Winners and Outstanding Achievers in a dozen writing, broadcasting, publishing and photography categories will be announced, starting at 4:45 p.m. in ClubING, Room 309A at the Orange County Convention Center. The Q&A with Miller will follow at 5:15 to kick off the reception.

Miller will appear on behalf of Zero Friction, co-sponsor of the Media Awards Reception. Zero Friction recently named Miller as partner, global spokesman and product developer for the company.Gloves_JuniorSynthetic_MultiPack2_hi-res

Zero Friction is responsible for establishing the performance golf tee market, creating the first and only performance tee to ever carry the PGA TOUR logo. The company’s most recent success story is in the golf glove segment. Zero Friction’s colorful line of compression-fit gloves for men, women and juniors takes the guesswork out of sizing. Compression-fit technology means a universal fit within the various models, and the glove that will hold its shape longer than any on the market.

“Zero Friction has developed truly innovative products which enhance golf,” said Miller. “As I looked at the golf investment landscape I found Zero Friction to be a leader and innovator. I am looking forward to working with their entire team to build the brand and product lines to the fullest level possible.”

ClubING is open to all ING members and their guests throughout the PGA Show. Display opportunities in Room 309A are still available for PGA Show Exhibitors. Call 407-328-0500 for details.MA-TL

Among the many activities scheduled for ClubING are:

  • Coffee each morning from 8 to 10
  • Media Awards and Reception, Wednesday, 4:45 to 6:30.
  • Johnny Miller Q&A, Wednesday, 5:15
  • Pellucid State of the Industry Presentation, Thursday at 10:30 and 2:30.
  • ING Industry Honors Presentation, Thursday, 12:30.