ING Spring Forum
May 30-June 2, 2023
Valley Forge Casino Resort
Regular Deadline: May 1, 2023
SPONSORS Registration Form – Regular Pricing
(Individuals not with Sponsoring Companies should complete a different form)
PACKAGE INCLUDES: Your Company’s Press Conference; Individual Conference Fee for one person, including Welcome Gift Bag, Welcome Reception; 2 Golf Tournaments; 2 Dinners; 2 Breakfasts; Educational Sessions.
SPONSOR PACKAGE – $1,250; $995 if paid by May 1 2023:
___Your Company’s Press Conference ($695), PLUS $195 per day for individual participation, which includes golf and all scheduled meals, educational sessions).
***Additional Individual Attendees from your company: $150 per day or $295 for the entire event.
NOT AN ING MEMBER? Add $75 per person to the fee
Attendee 1___________________________________________Title_________________Email________________________________________________
Golf: ___Wednesday; ___Thursday; Handicap/Avg. Score_____________
Attendee 2___________________________________________Title_________________Email________________________________________________
Golf: ___Wednesday; ___Thursday; Handicap/Avg. Score_____________
Attendee 3___________________________________________Title_________________Email________________________________________________
Golf: ___Wednesday; ___Thursday; Handicap/Avg. Score_____________
PAYMENT DETAILS (pay by credit card, PayPal (to or check – made out to ING Spring Conference)
Credit Card Type____________________________Number__________________________________________________________Exp.___________Code____________
Name on Card______________________________________________________Amount______________Signature________________________________________
NOTE: Credit card billing address (if different from address you gave above)________________________________________________________________________
DEADLINE: May 1, 2020. REFUNDS: Written notice prior to March 1, 100 percent; March 1 to April 15, 50 percent; After April 15, no refunds.
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: To receive the discounted ING rate of $109 + tax per room per night at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, call 610-354-8118 and mention the group name, ING Spring Forum, or the ID code ING23L. Reservations deadline for the special rate is May 3, 2023.
ING • 556 Teton Street, Lake Mary, FL 32746 • PH: 407-474-0531;