Individual Registration Form

ING Spring Forum

May 30-June 2, 2023

Valley Forge Casino Resort

Regular Deadline: May 1, 2023


INDIVIDUALS Registration Form – Regular Pricing

(Individuals with Sponsor Companies should complete the Sponsors form)

PACKAGE (Includes Welcome Gift Bag, two golf events, all group meals on the schedule, and educational sessions)

Active Media (Definition: You have a recognized and creditable outlet for producing stories from this forum)

____3-Day Forum Package- $225; $150 if paid by May 1, 2023 – OR –  ____Day-By-Day Fee: $85 per day


Business (Anyone in the industry who is not active media; (i.e. marketing executives, instructors, club manufacturers, resort/travel, designers, etc.)

____3-Day Forum Package- $550; $395 if paid by May 1, 2023 – OR –  ____Day-By-Day Fee: $195 per day


Spouse/Guest Fee – $175 (Includes participation in F&B and networking events) Guest name________________________________

Are you an ING member? If not, please add $75 to cover your annual ING membership fee.


_____Wednesday;    _____Thursday

Your USGA Handicap Index OR Average Score_________________;         Your Shirt Size________________________________


Name______________________________________________________________________Representing_____________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________State_________Zip_____________________ Phone__________________________________________________ Title___________________________________________________________Email_________________________________________________________________________________________Website_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PAYMENT DETAILS (pay by credit card, PayPal (to or check – made out to ING Spring Forum)

Credit Card Type______________________________Number______________________________________________________________Exp.____________Code______________

Name on Card______________________________________________________Amount______________Signature________________________________________

NOTE: Credit card billing address (if different from address you gave above)________________________________________________________________________


DEADLINE: May 1, 2023. REFUNDS: Written notice prior to March 1, 100 percent; March 1 to April 15, 50 percent; After April 15, no refunds.

HOTEL RESERVATIONS: To receive the discounted ING rate of $109 + tax per room per night at the Valley Forge Casino Resort, call 610-354-8118 and mention the group name, ING Spring Forum, or the ID code ING23L. Reservations deadline for the special rate is May 3, 2023.

ING • 556 Teton Street, Lake Mary, FL 32746 • PH: 407-474-0531;;