Are you getting the most out of your Social Media marketing efforts? If you’re not sure, you should attend the 28th Annual ING Spring Conference May 20-23 at the IP Casino Resort & Spa in Biloxi, MS.
Various aspects of the ever-changing Social Media marketing world will be the focus of several educational sessions at this annual gathering of media and golf companies and leaders. The non-profit International Network of Golf, the industry’s only media-based networking organization, conducts the conference.
Anyone in the golf industry and media is invited to join ING and attend the conference. Call 407-328-0500 for details.
Included in the various Social Media marketing sessions are back-to-back workshops on Wednesday morning of the conference. Steve Ryan of RyTech, LLC, will lead a discussion on understanding online search results, and Adrienn Wiebe of The Focus Group will head a discussion on Social Media advertising. Following is a description of the two workshops and their leaders.
No. 1: Why Can No One Find Me? Understanding Online Search Results
Search continues to be the number one driver of traffic to a website and putting your best foot forward is an important need for any business to understand and leverage. In this session we’ll discuss the different ways to attract traffic to your website, what factors contribute to overall ranking and search volume, and what can be done to achieve more traffic with increased conversions.
Presenter Steve Ryan is the Founder & CEO of RyTech, LLC, a digital marketing firm with offices in Chicago, Milwaukee, and Washington, D.C. RyTech offers customized digital marketing solutions with emphasis on social media marketing, search engine marketing, and website development working with a wide array of clients. Steve holds degrees from Marquette University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
No. 2: Social Media Advertising: What You Need to Know to Run a Hole in One Campaign
Selecting the right tools to advertise to your audience on social media is like selecting the right club for your approach shot. This session will show you how to identify the right tools for the right audience to improve your reach, find new business opportunities, and grow your brand online. We’ll discuss advertising platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and the powerful tools available to you.
Presenter Adrienn Wiebe has over seven years experience working with agencies and businesses in the digital marketing realm, specializing in audience targeting, social media advertising, and digital media communications. She recently joined The Focus Group as the Digital Marketing Manager. She is originally from Budapest, Hungary and earned her Bachelors Degree in History from Florida Gulf Coast University.
The ING Spring Conference schedule is packed with networking, educational and golf events designed to help all attendees enhance their standing in the golf industry. Highlights include:
- APPOINTMENT SHOW: The ING One-On-One Appointment Show was created to place an emphasis on business relations
between the media and golf companies, resorts, destinations and entrepreneurs. Participating companies set up tabletop displays and conduct private meetings held every 15 minutes. Media members use the time to gather story material, do interviews and nurture relationships.
- DEMO LAB: The ING Demo Lab will take place on Monday morning at Shell Landing Golf Club. Companies with golf equipment and training aids set up on the range and putting green where attendees try the products first hand.
- EDUCATION: Sessions include Marketing & PR, Social Media Marketing and more. Also, ING TALKS, structured like Ted Talks, returns with four sessions.
- NETWORKING: Several networking sessions are planned, including the Opening Night Welcome Reception and the Tuesday Night Banquet.
- GOLF: Several golf competitions for the casual and serious players will be conducted, including the WAGC National Qualifier.
To register for the ING Conference, or to find out more about ING, visit, or call 407-328-0500.