Award presentations, educational sessions, prize giveaways, networking and appearances by Johnny Miller and Jerry Kelly are among the highlights for the ClubING schedule at the PGA Merchandise Show Jan. 27-29 in Orlando.
ClubING, Room 309 A/B, is open to all ING members and guests throughout the three-day gathering of the golf industry. A full schedule is pasted at the bottom of this post, and also linked here.
Thanks to the Sponsors of ClubING this year: PGA Golf Exhibitions, Zero Friction, Chase54, Knuth Golf, Biion Footwear, Joann Dost Photography, Bridgestone Golf, Nexbelt and Pellucid.
Here are the highlights:
- The 23rd Annual ING Media Awards Presentation Press Conference begins at
4:45 p.m. on Wednesday, with Mitch Laurance as the emcee. Among the sponsor representatives who will be handing out prizes to the winners is PGA Tour winner Jerry Kelly, fresh off a 9th-place finish in the Sony Open in Hawaii
. He will present a Chase54 golf shirt to all First-Place Winners. Other prize sponsors are Bridgestone Golf, Nexbelt and Zero Friction.
- Hall of Fame golfer Johnny Miller will appear for a Q&S during the ING Media Reception immediately following the Media Awards at 5:15 p.m. The cocktail party sponsor is Zero Friction, a company in which Miller recently became part owner. Get your questions ready for Johnny Miller.
- The 23rd Annual ING Industry Honors Presentation Press Conference is set for 12:30 p.m. Mike Tinkey will emcee the program that recognizes outstanding achievement in a dozen business-related categories. The program is sponsored by PGA Golf Exhibitions. Be sure to come and support ING in
this important awards program.
- At 1 p.m. Thursday, Joann Dost will conduct a book signing of her recently published “Pebble Beach Golf Links: The Ultimate Round.” You’ll want to get your signed copy of this beautiful book.
- The always popular Pellucid State of the Industry presentations will take place at 10:30 a.m. and again at 2:30 p.m. Jim Koppenhaver and Stuart Lindsay always entertain and inform in this annual program.
- A long list of ING members will be exhibiting at the PGA Show. They are listed below with their booth numbers. Be sure to drop in and say hello to as many of these companies as possible and let them know that you appreciate their support.
- We have several great prizes in the ING Raffle this year. Be sure to purchase your tickets on Wednesday as the raffle drawing will take place at the Cocktail Reception Wednesday afternoon.
ClubING (Room 309A/B)
8 am: Coffee
3 pm: Private Meeting: Women’s Radio Show
4:45 pm: Media Awards Presentation
5:15 pm: Media Reception/Q&A with Johnny Miller/Raffle Drawing
8 am: Coffee
9 am: Private Meeting: Freedom Golf Assn.
10:30 am: Pellucid State of the Industry
12:30 pm: Industry Honors Presentation
1 pm: Book Signing: Pebble Beach Golf Links: The Ultimate Round
2:30 pm: Pellucid State of the Industry