Tour Edge Golf has returned as title sponsor of the Tour Edge ING Fantasy Golf Game, known casually as Pick Your Pro.

The long-running ING fantasy game centers on the PGA Tour on a weekly basis, starting January and lasting through August. Contestants select a different player each week, and are credited in points equal to the amount of money his choice wins that week.

Contestants can only use a player once during the season, and there is one Mulligan available to utilize if your choice is not competing in the tournament you chose him for.

At the end of the season, the top eight point-getters receive prizes from Tour Edge Golf: a full set of clubs to the champion, and drivers, wedges and other clubs for positions 2 through 8.

To receive full credit for the first tournament of the season, your ballot must be returned to by end of business day Jan. 4, 2024.

CLICK HERE for contest instructions and details.

CLICK HERE for the contest ballot.